Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Are you planning a trip? If so, you probably need Hotel Reservations. Well, I know just the site where you can do anything you need to for the perfect getaway. The site is www.HotelReservations.com. At this one location, you can make not only hotel reservations, but car rental and flight reservations, as well. If you are wanting to book a complete vacation package, this user-friendly site makes it easy. Everything is at your fingertips! I know I will be using www.HotelReservations.com for my next trip.
Merry Christmas!
It was a great day spending time with my family. First, we (my 2 sons, my daughter and I) got up early to open gifts. The best part of Christmas nowadays, since my kids are older, is having everyone home--even if it is just for the day! After gift opening, it was going in overdrive to get my part of the brunch ready. The bad thing is that it was at my house and I had never completed cleaning the floor and the main bathroom. So I had to multi-task! I got everything done "enough". The brunch turned out great and it was good to see other family members. After everyone left, it was time to watch "A Christmas Story" for my millionth time. (Every year I watch it while I complete wrapping last minute gifts on Christmas Eve and continue watching it the next day. It's a tradition. I love that movie!!) After a little rest, it was time to start preparing my part of Christmas dinner. All I needed to bring was mashed potatoes and broccoli casserole. What made this dinner special was my sister-in-law's friends from Sweden were there. It was fun being a part of their enjoyment of a good ol' country dinner. They loved it all! After that, it was time to stop by a friend's house and deliver some Christmas gifts I had made. Now, it is time to relax. What a nice day! (However, my daughter, who arrived at midnight last night had to leave to go back to Orlando at 6:00 this evening because she has to work tomorrow.) It was good while it lasted.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Best Leading Lenders
Are you in the market for a loan? If you have you should check out www.bestleadinglenders.com and look into taking out a Personal Loan. Are you having problem getting a loan because of your poor credit rating? Well, www.bestleadinglenders.com can help you, too, because they even provide Bad Credit Loans. I know the type of loans many people should be looking into are Consolidate Debt Loans. I know I need to consolidate my debt. With one child just finishing college, one still in college and another child in high school, I have accumulated quite a bit of debt. A consolidate debt loan would save me, and maybe you, a lot of money.
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This is a sponsored post.
Christmas countdown!
Only two weeks from tomorrow! I haven't done any shopping. I've got my tree up--with only lights, no decorations. I've got my wreaths up on my front doors--no outside lights. I guess with my mom going into the hospital, I have gotten really behind in all areas of Christmas prep. The good thing is my mom is out of the hospital, but elves didn't do the work that needed to be done. Oh well, it seems like every year I'm getting later at getting things done. I'm sure you already guessed--I haven't sent my Christmas cards out yet either. It will all get done--and if it doesn't--life goes on!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Check out OpticsPlanet.com
If you are looking for a great deal on a holiday gift, you need to check out www.OpticsPlanet.com. Why buy from Opticsplanet? Well, for one thing, they have a 100% guarantee. If that isn't enough, how about free ground shipping on orders $29.95 or more. There are 200 quality brand names to choose from. The selection is unbelievable whether you want binoculars, microscopes, telescopes, sunglasses, scopes, flashlights and so much more! There is no reason to shop anywhere else. www.OpticsPlanet.com has a gift for everyone on your list!
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This is a sponsored post.
Hotel Room Glasses
If you travel a lot and are sick a lot, maybe this is the reason. Go to the following link and you will be in for a surprise. And it is not a good surprise!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
If you want to visit an interesting blog, go to postsecret. At this site, "postcards" are displayed with posters secrets. There is also an area where people submit audio clips telling their secrets. It is very interesting.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Sweeney Todd Movie
Lately, I have been seeing advertisements for the new Johnny Depp movie, Sweeney Todd. I also saw an interview with Johnny and the director, Tim Burton, on T.V. last night. So, having my interest peaked, I decided to visit the official Sweeney Todd movie site. Now, I know I am going to have to see that movie! Adding together the abilities of both of those men, you know it is going to be something else. It definitely looks like a major case of REVENGE! Revenge has been successfully portrayed in movies for a long time. It is so tantalizing! I remember a movie I once saw called "Fatal Attraction". The main problem in this story is that the character played by Michael Douglas, who was married, had an affair with a business associate, played by Glenn Close. When the man realized he made a mistake and did not want to see the woman again, she decided to seek revenge in various ways. One of the most memorable ways was when she "stewed" the family's pet rabbit. Not a pleasant thought, especially since I own a rabbit and I would hate to come home and find it stewed! I have a feeling Sweeney Todd is going to out "revenge" Fatal Attraction. I can't wait to find out. I'm going to visit Sweeney Todd on MySpace. You should, too. 
I need to win the lottery!!!!
It might be hard to do since I don't even play the lottery. It's just that some times I get tired of dealing with students who have no respect for authority. I'm amazed at times. I really do love teaching, though. I love when students are able to do things successfully they weren't able to do before. I love when students really seem appreciative of what they have been taught. Most students are great--but one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch. One disrespectful student can ruin it for everyone!! Sorry about my venting! Next week, I'm sure I'll be happy to be teaching again.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Coupon Chief is waiting for you!!!!
If you haven't checked out Coupon Chief yet--what are you waiting for???? You're shopping for gifts, right? You like to save money, right? Then, you have to check out Coupon Chief and get some great coupons! Right now you can get great The Sports Authority deals. I just saw a Sports Authority coupon for $10 off a $50 purchase. There is also a coupon for free shipping! If you are looking for electronics, try a great Circuit City deal. A Circuit City coupon for free shipping on any order $24 or more can save you lots of money.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Rate my picture!
Hey, please do me a favor. Go to the following site: www.picture.com and rate a picture I submitted. If I get 20 votes, I can try to win an iPod Shuffle.
Thanks for your help.
Thanks for your help.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Need affordable car insurance?
If you live in California and are looking for affordable car insurance, why not check out the Torrance insurance company, Cost-U-Less Insurance Center? It is one of the fastest growing insurance brokers in California. Besides Torrance, Cost-U-Less has over 70 other locations. In addition, they have over 100 programs for cheap insurance that you can choose from. I'm sure there is a program right for you.
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This is a sponsored post.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Here we go again!!!
Last night, while sitting in the den watching T.V., I noticed that my cat was making a lot of noise running around in the living room. I thought, hopefully, he is chasing a lizard around. Things calmed down for a while then I heard a ruckus again. I looked up and saw my cat run across the foyer chasing a giant rat!!!! Not a rat in the house again!!! (Anytime the weather is nice I leave the back door open and my cat thinks that it means to bring toys in the house to play with.) Well, anyway, I went in the living room to see if I could see the rat. It was on top of a iron railing that separates the living room from the foyer. Since it was near the front door, I decided to open the front door to see if it would run out. No, of course it wouldn't do something so easy. So, I got a broom. I knew I had one chance to try to whack that rat right out the front door. So, I counted 1, 2, 3 - - Whack! Yea!!!! It went right out the door, landed on its feet and ran off. I don't know if it was going to survive because my cat ran out right after it. I didn't care to find out. I slammed the door shut!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Good News, Bad News
I just heard two news stories. One has to do with an honest waiter at Harrah's Casino who found a wallet with $8,000 in it. Yes, he turned it in. But guess what! For his honesty, the owner gave him back the wallet with the $8,000 still in it!!!! What a great story. Oh yeah. Now for the bad news. A guy was trying to steal a car at the Micosukkee Gaming Resort in South Florida. The police were called to the scene. Instead of turning himself in, the guy decided to flee. He jumped into a lake. Well, the police did not find him until later. They found his torso with alligator bites on it!!!! The moral of the story--honesty is the best policy and dishonesty is the worst!
A Great Coupon Site
Do you love Coupons? I do, and I just found a great coupon site--www.ncnatural.com. There are coupons for anything from flowers to printer cartridges to electronics. I am sure there is a coupon for you. I am planning on using an FTD coupon code to purchase a flower arrangement to send to my aunt over the holidays. I have done that in the past and she is always so appreciative. Don't you know of someone who would love a flower arrangement? I am also planning on using Kohls coupons so I can get at least 10% off an order. I can always find something at Kohls! With the holidays coming up, (and gas prices, too) I need to figure out ways to save some money. This great coupon site is just one way to do that. It has an easy to use layout that is updated daily. Check it out for yourself!
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This is a sponsored post.
Thank goodness--no emergency room this time!
I couldn't believe it! Last night, I got a phone call from my son saying he was in a car accident. The same son I've already been to the emergency room 4 times in the past year. Luckily, both him and the driver were fine. The car they were in hydroplaned and then spun around into a guard rail. I am so thankful to God that nothing happened to the two of them.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Looking for an innovative tutor?
Score Educational Center is the place to find a qualified and Innovative Tutor for your child. I have checked out many sites looking for a tutor for my son and I feel Score has all the qualifications necessary to help a child not only in subject matter, but also in building up self-esteem and confidence. Score provides a hands-on approach which helps to make learning fun. For many children, that can make all the difference in whether or not they become successful. What makes Score even better is the fact that it is part of the Kaplan family of educational companies. So, without a doubt, you know that you are getting experience and knowledge when you use Score. 
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This is a sponsored post.
No more emergency rooms, please!
In the past year, I've taken my son to the emergency room 4 times! One time he sliced open his finger; another time he dislocated his shoulder; once he had trouble with his side--we thought it could be kidney stones like he had about 5 years ago; and last night, I took him because a friend drove over his foot with his car!!!! Yes, his car! Luckily, he ended up with just a sprained ankle. I've always heard there is one in every family--well, he's the one!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Have you been looking for a new car? Do you need a Honda Car Quote? If you do, I have the perfect website for you to visit. It is www.carsblvd.com. You can get up to 2 car quotes free. Why pay full price for a new Honda or any other car you may be interested in? Dealers will compete for your business so you will receive quotes below wholesale prices. It's FAST and FREE. Not only can you get car quotes, you can also use the easy on-line application for a car loan and get approved in less than a minute. Do you already have a car loan? No problem. At their site, you can apply to refinance your loan to reduce your interest rate and even skip some payments. You could save thousands of dollars--even with bad credit! Do you need insurance? You can get insurance quotes in a snap. And you wouldn't want a car without a warranty. Yes, you can get a warranty for your car at www.carsblvd.com, too.
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This is a sponsored post.
A+ Money--Yea!!!!!
Down here in Florida (or up here--depending on who's reading this post), the schools have to face the FCAT every year. It is a statewide test for all public school students from 3rd grade to 10th grade. Not only do the children receive scores, the schools receive grades. The school that I was a part of last year received an "A". So that means the staff receives a bonus. Well, the bonus is supposed to be in my next paycheck. I'm so excited about that! I was figuring my finances last night trying to come up with a solution to my empty bank account. The A+ money may just be a bandaid, but it is better than nothing!! A lot better!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Stuck in "The Mist"
Have you ever been stuck in "the mist"? Well, I have never been stuck in "the mist", but two of my kids and I were once stuck in an awful thunderstorm. I'm going to tell you--it was one of the scariest times of my life. We were traveling from South Florida to Texas. We were driving just north of Orlando when a terrible thunderstorm quickly charged in. At first, thinking I could drive through it, I kept on going. But, it didn't take long to realize that was not going to work. The wind was blowing so hard that the rain was actually going sideways. Besides that the clouds looked like a tornado was ready to form. In fact, it started hailing--one of the tornado signs. We decided to pull off at a little shopping center. We thought we could run into a little grocery store. But, then the lightning started non-stop! Transformers were blowing all around us giving the sky an eerie green hue. We did not know what to do--stay in the car and maybe face a tornado or run inside the store and maybe get struck by lightning. Well, we stayed in the car, and huddled together covering ourselves with a big blanket and prayed! I was never happier than when that storm passed. I was supposed to be the defending mother and I was almost as scared as my kids! Thank goodness I did not have to worry about something supernatural or crazy like in The Mist by Stephen King that is coming out November 21st. Now that would really be scary. You should check out the site and take a look at the trailers and you'll see what I mean. Creepy, scary and intense!
Chicklet--We'll Miss You!
I'm really sad right now. Our sweet little Chicklet just passed away. The good thing is that she died in her sleep in her little bed with dog biscuits by her side. I had just given her some dinner and I could tell she was not feeling well, because she did not act like she was hungry. You see, she had a seizure a couple of years ago and she had progressively gone down in her health since then. About 8 months ago or so, she started whining and panting now and then. Her doctor said it was effects from the seizure and just plain old age. I'm so glad she died peacefully and that I did not have to make the decision of putting her to sleep as I have had to do with some of my other pets. After having her a part of our family for over 11 years, it's going to be hard to imagine life without her. We acquired her when my oldest son, Scott, brought her home one day from a neighbor's house. She had been found near some warehouses and the neighbor could not keep her. The dog we had at the time was very old and I knew would not live much longer so I decided to keep her. We are guessing she was about 4 years old. She added a lot of fun and laughter to our lives and, at times, craziness. She was very protective of whoever's bed she was sleeping in and very protective of her dog biscuits. She did mellow with age, however. She is going to be so missed.
What makes this even worse is that today is Scott's birthday--and Chicklet was his dog.
I Wish I Had Dentemp OS!
I know in the future I'll be saying "I wish I had Dentemp OS" if I don't get some soon to put in my medicine cabinet. I've had a a problem with one of my fillings lately and it's going to be a few weeks before I can get in to see the dentist. After checking out the Dentemp OS website and reading up on its benefits, it seems like the perfect solution for a temporary dental repair and fast relief of pain and discomfort. I know when I have had problems in the past, I would have loved to have Dentemp OS for some quick relief. In fact, I found it hard to eat and talk normally one time. It was quite embarrassing. The Majestic Drug Company has been around a long time making great products. Dentemp OS is one of those great products. It is so easy to use. Just remove it from its plastic vial and it's ready to use. No Mess! No Mixing! And there are several applications in each vial. The most important part of the product is that it has been tested and it fully complies with FDA Regulations for Oral Care. Honestly, I'm getting some soon and if I find the need to use it, I'll post the results on my blog. 
Another life lost!
Oh, the woes of South Florida. Another police officer killed in the line of duty. 76 years old and doing a job he had done for 20 years. Someone, who has no value of life, decided to put himself above everyone else and disrupt the lives of many people by taking the officer's life while the officer was transporting him to court. You see he was already in jail for a bunch of other charges. I am getting tired of hearing such depressing news. We've had several police shootings in the last few months--3 resulting in death. South Florida used to be known for its crime--then it seemed to get better. Now, it seems like it is getting bad again. At least I can thank God that they did catch the guy.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Are you looking for a freelancer?
I just found the best place for a freelancer. You should check it out, too. If you are in need of someone to help you with your computer website, you will be able to hook up with website, design, writing, programming, and administrative support professionals. If you are the professional, you can use the site to help you find work that you are qualified to perform. In addition, there is a "Water Cooler" link where you can post comments regarding your experiences, plus other informative links. You need to take a look at this great site for yourself.
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This is a sponsored post.
A Year of No Hurricanes!
It looks like we have dodged another bullet down here in South Florida. Tropical Storm Noel passed us by just giving us some scattered showers and strong winds. However, the beach erosion caused by the storm is significant. I hope we don't get washed out to sea! I also hope I haven't counted my chickens too fast. Hurricane season is not yet officially over--not until November 30th. Even though we could use the rain, we do not need another hurricane.
Friday, November 2, 2007
My garage needs help!!!
My garage is in dire need of organization. There is no rhyme or reason to it. Piles of stuff are everywhere. I started to clean it not long ago, but I gave up because I didn't know what to do with everything. I recently found a website that has a great selection of garage storage cabinets and shelving that would make my garage a much nicer place. A place I wouldn't be afraid to go into at night. As it is now, I never know what could be lurking behind the mountains of "whatever". You should check www.carguygarage.com, too.
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This is a sponsored post.
Yea--a Cold Front!
I heard we are supposed to have a cold front to come through down here in sunny South Florida. I heard it is supposed to get in the low 80's!!! Wow, I better get out the jackets and turn the heat on! I guess compared to the 90's that's cold. But I'm in the mood for some really cool whether. I didn't say cold--I'm not that crazy. I've been living down here so long that my blood is too thin for really cold weather. The 60's would be nice--for a few days.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Payday Loan Quotes
If you are looking for a loan to hold you over between paychecks, you should check out Payday Loan Quotes. You can get a small, short term loan electronically deposited into your checking account. All levels of credit are welcome and the online application is confidential and secure. There is an easy-to-use online calculator so you can see what kind of rates you would pay for the loan amount you desire. Check it out today!
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This is a sponsored post.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Today is my birthday!
What did I do exciting? I cleaned my refrigerator. Hey, that is exciting. Now I have a nice, clean fridge. I did go to lunch with my mom, my sister-in-law and my niece. Later, my son and I went to a game night at my church. My 88 year old mom made me a birthday cake to take. She hasn't realized people are supposed to be taking care of her!!!! Anyway, I know my birthday doesn't sound very exciting--but I'm happy to be alive and healthy with a family to love and who loves me. (I actually celebrated my birthday last weekend when my 2 other kids came down for the weekend.)
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Nothing Like After Thanksgiving Specials
It's getting closer. It won't be long. It will be here before you know it. What? No, not Christmas. I'm talking about the 2007 Thanksgiving specials. Thanksgiving is just a month away! So that means the busiest shopping day of the year, the day after Thanksgiving, is too! Do you really want to go stand in a bunch of lines? Do you really want to waste gallons of gas going from store to store? Do you really want to risk your life on the roads with a bunch of shopping frenzied people? I used to think all of that was sort of fun. That is until I found out about the fun of shopping online getting the same items that would be sold out by the time I could get to the store. Besides that, how do you get to 5 or 6 different stores at the same time? The only way you can do that is by going to the stores online! Wouldn't you love to be able to find some IKEA specials without having to fight the crowds? If this sounds good to you, make sure you check out the www.black-friday.net website soon and sign up for e-mail alerts so that Black Friday ads can be sent to you.
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This is a sponsored post.
Fires in California
I get tired of people blaming God for things like the fires in California. Well, God did create the earth. But, where we live on this earth is our choice. If we live in an area prone to fires--then be prepared to fight fires! If we live in an area prone to hurricanes--be prepared to board up and deal with wind damage. If we live in an area prone to flooding--be prepared to sandbag and move to higher ground. The earth was here first--we should not blame God for our decision to live where we are living!
I do pray for all the people who are dealing with such terrible losses--especially those who have lost loved ones. I can't imagine what they are going through at this time. I've dealt with hurricanes before--but at least you can prepare for those. Fires can come suddenly and destroy everything in their path.
I do pray for all the people who are dealing with such terrible losses--especially those who have lost loved ones. I can't imagine what they are going through at this time. I've dealt with hurricanes before--but at least you can prepare for those. Fires can come suddenly and destroy everything in their path.
Friday, October 19, 2007
It is now a buyer's market--too bad for me! I was going to try to sell my house this summer, but the amount of houses not selling around me made me change my mind. I'll just have to wait until the market goes back up again. Instead, I have decided to take out a remortgage on my house in order to consolidate some of my outstanding credit card debt. At least that the fact that mortgage rates have gone down is good for me. I feel that remortgages are much better than too much credit card debt. One main reason is you only have to worry about one bill instead of several. Another reason is, the credit card usually starts out with great rates, but then all of a sudden, Wham! The rate goes up to a ridiculous amount! At least with a remortgage, you always know what your payment will be. If you are in the market for a mortgage, you should check out www.ukpersonalloanstore.co.uk. They know all about mortgages and have the expertise to help you.
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This is a sponsored post.
Invasion of my space!
Yesterday when my son came home from school, he found that the doggie door we have on our back porch going into the house was bent and out of the track. He, then, went to his room and found that his Nintendo DS and some nice cologne was missing. He called me to let me know. When I got home I checked out my room. I could tell whoever came in went through one of my drawers that has jewelry in it. Everything was disturbed, but I thought nothing was missing. Since I thought it was just my son's stuff missing I thought it could have been one of my son's friends, so I didn't call the police. But later on we started thinking that the guy who was pressure cleaning my neighbor's sidewalk and fence seemed very suspicious. He kept watching us when we came to and from our house, etc. Anyway, I realized this morning that one of my necklaces was gone. Then, this evening, I found that a second necklace was missing. It is such a strange feeling to think someone has been going through my things. I know one thing for sure, the doggie door is history!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Gustafson Orthopaedics
If you are looking for an experienced and skilled Loma Linda orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Allen Gustafson is the board-certified orthopaedic surgeon you could be looking for. He is the founder and director of Gustafson Orthopaedics and a renowned expert in joint replacement and reconstruction. Along with Dr. Gustafson, Gustafson Orthopaedics has a dedicated staff who will provide the evaluation, treatment, education and recovery assistance that you may need. Check out the website, www.gustafsonortho.com, to find out more information and for answers to questions you may have.
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This is a sponsored post.
23 kids isn't so bad!
Well, I made it through 2 days of school with 6 new students. It really hasn't been so bad. The biggest obstacle is the fact that teachers teach differently. Even if you are in the same grade level, how you teach can be totally different from each other. So, I've had to help get the new students used to the way I teach and used to what I expect. Having 23 students is not that bad. I think about the days I used to sub--there could be up to 35 kids in a classroom! I don't know how teachers did it back then. One thing that was different, however, is the requirements for teachers. Back then, the FCATs were not as important as they are today. I'd rather have FCATs as we do today than to have 35 students!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Great Coupons at EDealFinder.com
I just found out about a coupon site, EDealFinder.com, that has fantastic coupons for different online sites. With the holidays just around the corner, now is the time to start shopping for those perfect gifts if you haven't started already. At EDealFinder.com, there are so many different types of coupons, you should be able to find something for everyone on your list. One of my favorite stores to shop at is Kohls, so I am happy that EDealFinder.com offers Kohls coupons. Right now the coupon being offered is 15% off an order. Why wouldn't I want to take advantage of such a great Kohls discount? Overstock coupons, ProFlowers coupons, Dell coupons and ShopNBC are just a few more places that have great coupon deals at EDealFinder.com. Check it out today so you can start saving!
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This is a sponsored post.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Whatever happened to the customer is always right?

Take a look at the copy of an Office Depot item ticket shown above. Right under where it says "Office Depot Take One" it states "Take this ticket to the cashier to purchase this item." I may be dumb--but it would seem to me that if I took that ticket to the cashier, I would be able to purchase the item. Do you get another message?
Well, anyway, I took the ticket to the cashier to purchase the item. A stock person came back and told me they do not have any in stock and I'd have to go to another store. I told him, and the woman manager standing next to him, that they should remove the tickets if the item is not available. The manager proceeded to start an argument with me stating that is not the purpose of those tickets. The tickets are to give the shopper information about the item. I asked her, "Then, why does it state that to purchase the item, take the ticket to the cashier?" She kept on stating the same thing over and over and over again--"That is not the purpose of the ticket." I decided that was a ridiculous argument. So, I left, bought a scanner at Target!
What do you think?
Score Reading Tutors
Do you have a child between the age of 4 and 14? Have you been searching for a qualified reading tutor to help you child? There are many so-called tutors out there. But, not all tutors are qualified. Score Reading Tutors are qualified. Score is part of the Kaplan educational family which has been around a long time. At Score, they want the child to love learning so they take an active, hands-on approach to learning. Let me tell you, I have looked at many sites to find a tutoring program for my child. Score looks like a program that would be good for anyone. Whether you want someone to help you child get a good start with reading, to help your child in school or to help prepare your child for standardized testing, Score would be a great choice. 
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This is a sponsored post.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Well, it's official--23 kids on Monday!
I have mixed feelings right now. I have been having a real good year at my new school. I only had 17 students. Even though I was in a real small room, my students and I got used to it. We were lucky enough to have the best temperature in the building. If everyone else was cold or hot, we were just right. Plus I got everything placed just where I want it. Starting Monday, however, things will be different. I will have 6 more students. But, I got to move to a bigger room--with a nice big window. I just spent this afternoon moving most of my stuff to the room. I hope it will all turn out good. I'm sure the kids will be okay--I just hope the parents will be okay.
Love that Coupon Chief!
Here it is already the middle of October! Only 2 months until the big day. You know which one I'm talking about, right? Christmas. Have I done any shopping yet? No--of course not. But I'm going to get started real soon. I know one thing for sure, when I get started, before I purchase anything on-line, I will first check out Coupon Chief in order to get some coupon codes for some of my favorite stores. My daughter and I love Kohls. Right now Coupon Chief is offering a 15% off coupon for Kohls, with no minimum! Now that's a good code. I know of several people who would love something from Hickory Farms. Coupon Chief has several coupon codes such as free shipping and even one for up to 25% off. I know that is much better than going to the Hickory Farms kiosk in the mall. Kohls and Hickory Farms are only a couple of the great places for which you can get fabulous codes. If you have never checked out Coupon Chief, you need to do it today. Shopping will never be the same!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Will this project ever end?
My mom and I own the house I'm living in. We were considering selling it last summer, but the slow housing market made a change of plans. In June, before we had changed our mind, we started trying to get it fixed up. We had the flat roof over the den fixed, several rooms have been painted, carpeting has been installed in three rooms, the main bathroom was renovated plus many smaller projects completed. However, it just seems that there is always so much more to do. We had a garage sale over the summer to try to get rid of a lot of "junk" so that we could get more organized. But, I still have too much junk! Also, there are still more rooms to paint and another bathroom to renovate. It all takes a lot of time and a lot of money. Hopefully, by the time the housing market starts going back up the house will not be already needing all the same stuff done all over again!
Innovative Tutors at Score Educational
If you are looking for an Innovative Tutor for your child, you should check and see if there is a Score Educational Center near you. They provide services for students from grades pre-K through the 10th grade. I recently started researching tutoring services on the internet and I found reviews from parents stating that Score helped to give their children self-confidence. To me, if you can build up a child's confidence at school, they will definitely improve their work habits and their grades.
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An apartment would be nice!
Some times I get so tired of living in a house with so many things to keep up with--all the time! It never lets up. If something gets fixed, something else breaks. If I didn't have a zoo, my 2 dogs, 2 cats, 1 rabbit, 1 turtle and 3 millipedes, I think I might enjoy living in an apartment. If the stove breaks down, which it did recently, I'd call the super. If the washing machine stops working, which it did recently, I'd call the super. If the air conditioning system needs cleaning, which it did recently, I'd call the super. Yes, I like the freedom of being able to do what I want at my house, but the freedom from problems and extra bills seems nice, too.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
iConnectHere, a division of deltathree, is an Internet Phone service provider that has been in operation for over 10 years. They have award winning products such as Internet Phone to Phone, PC to Phone, and Virtual Calling Cards which can be purchased from their website. With all the plans, you will have low rates and an easy to use service. Right now they are offering a $30 bonus for all new signups and the service would include call waiting, caller I.D., call forwarding, emergency 911 and over 25 other features. You should check it out today.
From 17 to 23 Students
When I first started substitute teaching about 12 years ago, I would go into a 4th grade class and there could be 32-34 students in the class. Now, with the class size amendment voted for by Florida voters a few years ago, the amount allowed in each class has gone down immensely. I think the 4th grade is supposed to have an average of 22 students. I've been a full time teacher for a while now and I have always been blessed with 24 or less students. This year I've been especially blessed--I only have 17 students. But, now I fear that is coming to an end soon. One of the teachers is going on leave starting this Friday and the substitute teacher that was lined up backed out yesterday. What makes matters worse, we can't find someone interested who is also qualified for the position. So now it looks like that teacher's students are going to be split among the other 4th grade teachers which includes me. What a disappointment! I have gotten so used to those 17 kids. Grading papers, doing projects and doing outdoor activities is so much easier with just 17 students. I've gotten spoiled.
Monday, October 8, 2007
emortgage from Encomia
Everyone is so busy these days. So it is great that so many different kinds of services are offered on-line. One of the best on-line services that I have found is emortgage . Businesses that offer the service of applying for mortgage loans on-line have such of advantage over companies that don't. For one thing, the closing process is so much faster than the conventional way. It also saves money for many people involved. If you are a business that handles mortgages, you should check out www.encomia.com and see how emortgages can help you.
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This is a sponsored post.
This is not a sponsored post. I just decided to write a review about a great place to get appliance parts. I needed a baking element for my oven. I searched the internet and came up with several places to order parts on-line. For some reason, EasyApplianceParts.com impressed me over the others. I do know the price for the element was lower there than some. I decided to place the order--it was on a Sunday afternoon. On Monday morning, I received an e-mail stating the order had been shipped. On Tuesday evening, UPS came to my door--it was the element! I have never had something shipped so quickly. I definitely will use them again when I have any appliance needs.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Storage Bins
I know, lately, I have been talking a lot about GarageGuy.com. But I'm so impressed by all the things they have to offer to help people like me to get more organized. I just linked on the storage bins page. Unbelievable! They have welded and shelving style bins that come in a variety of colors. These storage bins would be great for anyone, especially for someone who runs a business out of their home. If you are wanting to organize your garage, take a look at GarageGuy.com.
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This is a sponsored post.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
My second cousin's husband's brother's son's daughter!
If you can figure out that lineage, then you can figure out my connection to Britney Spears. I used to think it was sort of fun to be able to say I was "related" to Britney. Now, I'm not quite so sure. Even though I'm not really related through blood, my family and I felt we had some kind of connection to her. My mom even has a picture from her with "To Aunt Helen" penned on it. She used to have it on the fridge. Now I'm not sure where it is. I just hope Britney can get her act together before it is too late. And, I hope kids can learn from her that money and fame are not everything!
Diamond Plate Garage Cabinets
I just found out about some cabinets for the garage called diamond plate cabinets. They are absolutely beautiful. In fact, they look so nice, you would hardly know you are in a garage. They can make your garage, workroom or another room in your house look amazing. What makes them even better than just the way they look is the fact that will never rust or corrode. In addition, there are several optional add-ons that can be included with the cabinets such as lighting, peg boards, worktops and more. Getting the cabinets is so easy. Just order them on-line, then, when they arrive, unpack them and just push them in to place. Nothing could be easier!
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This is a sponsored post.
Rain, rain go away!
I hate to complain, but I hope we have at least a couple of days of sunshine down here in "sunny" South Florida. For the past week, it has rained every day. It did let up today but not until after it was time to take my students out to recess. So once again, they did not get to go outside to run some of their energy off. After working hard all morning, my students need a break in the fresh air. But I feel like I should not be wishing for sunshine when Florida still needs lots of rain to fill up Lake Okeechobee. You see, we went through a drought in the spring and part of the summer and the lake has not yet been replenished. If it doesn't now, during the so-called rainy season (which is almost over), we are going to have a really bad year next year. We will already be starting in the negative. So, okay, rain, rain don't go away!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
I don't know about you, but my garage is a mess! I have been trying to figure out what I can do to make it more organized. I keep everything in my garage from holiday decorations to my teaching supplies. Well, I came across a great website, www.CarGuyGarage.com, which carries a complete line of products for the garage. They have anything that I could possibly need to organize my garage from garage storage cabinets to workbenches, flooring and so much more. I never realized there was so much stuff available.
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This is a sponsored post.
I love my Senseo coffee pot!
I really lucked out recently. I received an e-mail about taking a survey to possibly qualify to receive a Senseo coffee system for just $15, to cover the cost of shipping and handling. I was a little leery at first. But when I found out it was through the Sara Lee Corporation, I figured it must be on the up and up. So, I took the survey and I qualified for the coffee system. I love it! It normally costs about $60 in the store, so I was thrilled with the price. But, I love the foamy coffee even more. I am really writing to let you know that some offers out there are really legitimate and are worth doing.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Driveway File Sharing
I am learning more and more each day regarding computers and what people are able to do using the internet. Today, I came across a great site, www.driveway.com. Driveway offers the internet user a great place to enable file sharing and collaboration. Users can upload multiple files, up to a maximum limit of 500 MB per file. What makes this even better is that it is a free file sharing service. Most e-mail services have limits on the size of files that could be uploaded. However, Driveway Plug-in allows users to upload and share files and folders that would normally be considered too large to be sent via e-mail. After downloading and installing the application, one can instantly start using the service to create Parkit links, which can be created to allow the user to send large files. The other day, I had a problem e-mailing a file because it was too large. Now I know of a place I can go to send those large files. Another thing I found out about Driveway is that it has web widgets for file/folder sharing. This is an easy way to view and share multiple files, such as audio, video, or pictures. In addition, Driveway has fast uploads and free storage up to 2GB. 
I'll never get ahead!
I'm a teacher, as you probably already realized if you read some of my earlier posts. Our district just approved a new contract with about a 5% raise, more or less. Anyway, that does not mean everyone gets that amount--it means that is the average. Some people could end up with more and some people could end up with less. I'm not sure what mine will actually end up being but I know it does not cover the cost of living increase down here in South Florida. Well, we all know the cost of gas keeps increasing. I just saw on the internet that the cost of groceries is also going up. I came home to a notice in my mailbox from my car insurance company that the cost of car insurance may go up. It seems like I am always taking one step forward only to end up going two steps backwards. Like I said, I'll never get ahead!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Dial A Flight
If you live in the U.K., Dial A Flight is the perfect choice for your traveling needs. The professionals there will help you plan a trip to just about any place that you would like to visit. Dial A Flight has a great selection of beach holidays that would make anybody happy. Does Hawaii, Tahiti, or the Bahamas sound good to you? Those are just a few of the destinations that Dial A Flight has to offer. If it is a spa holiday you're looking for, Dial A Flight can send you on a Caribbean trip to a relaxing spot, such as Antigua, Jamaica or St. Lucia. If you would rather have an Asian spa holiday, you can relax in beautiful place like Bali or Bangkok. Maybe it is a city break that would be the thing for you. If so, why not book a trip to Montreal, Mexico City or Miami. There are many more choices of destinations than those that have been mentioned. So contact Dial A Flight today to find out what all they have to offer and, before you know it, you can be on a trip to remember! 
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This is a sponsored post.
Life Lesson
This week, the students at my school will be getting a life lesson in regards to voting. We are in the process of having a student council election. Five third grade students are running for secretary, five fourth grade students, including one of my students, are running for vice president and six fifth grade students are running for president. Well, today the voting started with a glitch. The ballot did not have my student's name on it. Four or five classes had already voted. So it was decided to show the students how, because of a problem in the voting system, that part of the election will be voided and those classes will have to vote again on a proper ballot. We decided that this would teach the students that elections should always be done fairly and properly.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
A Beach Cruiser--The Perfect Gift

You may think you have a long time until Christmas, but it will be here before you know it! Now is time to be thinking about the perfect gifts. My daughter told me yesterday what she wants for Christmas--a beach cruiser. She is a college student and lives in an area where a bicycle would some times be more practical than a car. And, besides that, she has been wanting to exercise more, so a beach cruiser would be the perfect gift. XYZ Bikes has a great selection of beach cruisers. That's not all XYZ Bikes has to offer. If you are looking to make some money, XYZ Bikes has a great Beach Cruisers Affiliate/Reseller Program. Just by putting banners on your website, you can make some money. So whether you are looking for a beach cruiser or looking for some extra money you should go to XYZ Bikes.
This is a sponsored post.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
A New Secret Sound!
I can't believe it. No one could figure out what the secret sound was. So the people at MySecretSound.com have put the sound in a vault to save for some special occasion. Now there is a new sound and I have no idea what it is either. Why not give it a try by clicking on the link on the right side of my page and listening to the sound yourself. You could win $2,000!
Weight Loss Surgery- JourneyLite
If you are overweight and have tried different diets and treatments that have not worked, Lap-Band obesity surgery by JourneyLite may be the answer for you. At the JourneyLite website you can access videos and information to help you in making a decision. If you think you are interested in the Lap-Band surgery, you can contact JourneyLite so that you can be evaluated to see if it is a program for you. If you qualify, they will help you find an experienced surgeon and also help you with insurance approval. It is not an "overnight" fix. It is one that takes commitment. But with JourneyLite, they want you to succeed and to be healthier and happier, so they have extensive follow-up and aftercare, plus you will have access to support groups, message boards, success tips, nutrition information, recipes and more.
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This is a sponsored post.
Broward County School Employees--Beware!
I work for a school in Broward County, Florida. Every week since I've gotten back to school in August, someone I know has been affected by death. At my school alone, there has been the deaths of the relatives of four employees which include two sisters, a brother and an aunt--all within about a month and a half. I just found out that, at my previous school, there was the death of a teacher's husband who was only in his early 20's. I mentioned a few weeks ago about a friend of mine who was a member of the same church as me who passed away. Well, she also was a Broward School employee. I pray for all of the families who have been affected by these losses.
Graphic Design
Wildfire Marketing Group is an excellent source if you are a business in need of a professional to help you with graphic design and more. It is very important to have the right company to help you in this area. They have to be able to create something that does what you want it to do. Do you want your design to convey a message or are you trying to persuade a buyer? Wildfire can create the perfect design for you and help you in so many ways, whether it be with print media such as brochures, posters and signs, to designing your logo and your web site. You need to check them out to see all the ways that they can be of service to you.
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This is a sponsored post.
Celebrities Opinions
Why do people want to know what celebrities think on certain issues? Why are their opinions even valued? I really don't understand it. What makes these people experts on the issues? It really bugs me when a celebrity has the stage, so to speak, and then spews out a ranting either for something or against something. It is like we are a captive audience and we have no choice but to listen to what they have to say. When a celebrity does that, it definitely affects my opinion of them. Oh yeah, we could change the channel, walk by the magazine stand with blinders on, and not subscribe to an internet service that has news on its homepage, but that would be very hard to do.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Five Free Hours of International Phone Calls!
Now that I've gotten your attention, let me tell you about a great international calling card called Pingo. It is the only international calling card you'll ever need. Pingo is a service of iBasis, a leading international wholesale carrier, which is one of the largest carriers of international phone calls in the world. In fact, iBasis has some well-known customers, such as AT&T and Verizon. It also has major overseas carriers as customers. With Pingo international calling cards, you will not have to worry about hidden fees. That has been a problem with other calling cards. You can use your Pingo card in 35 countries with great rates to India. Plus, it can be automatically recharged. If you are a cell phone user, Pingo Mobile can save you up to 90% on international cell phone calls. And if all that isn't enough, Pingo goes even farther with RateWatcher™ which lets you know if you're really getting the cheapest phone card rate. Pingo is also all you could possibly need for discount long distance in the U. S. It has great rates with a low monthly charge.
Now, about the five free hours of international phone calls--if you sign up today, that is what you can get. Make sure in order to receive a special phone card blog discount coupon, use the code "ppp3", which is valid for $3 off Pingo.
Now, about the five free hours of international phone calls--if you sign up today, that is what you can get. Make sure in order to receive a special phone card blog discount coupon, use the code "ppp3", which is valid for $3 off Pingo.
Would you go to a restaurant that only had one car in the parking lot?
Really! I want to know that answer. My son and I were on our way to Lum's, a restaurant that has been a South Florida icon for many years. There used to be several locations down here, but now there is only one. So anyway, we drove up to the restaurant and there was only one car in the lot. We decided to drive on by. Would you go in or would you have done what we did and go to another restaurant?
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Piano Chords Blog
If you are interested in free piano lessons covering piano chords, chord progressions and more, there is a great Piano Chords Blog with loads of information and lessons. The archives are full of music theory and informative videos with step by step lessons. After checking out the site, I think I am going to try my hand at learning how to play the piano. I love to write songs--it would be so much better if I could play the piano, too. On this blog, I read about a 94 year old man who learned how to play. If he can, I can, too!
Okay--I love Florida most of the time!
I know I am always saying how much I love Florida--especially South Florida. But, right now I'm about ready for some cool weather. I just worked out in the yard for less than an hour and I am drenched--and it wasn't raining! It definitely is a good beach day, so I suppose there are a lot more people happy that it is hot, than not! I guess I'll just have to deal with it.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Good Reading Tutors!
Good Reading Tutors can be hard to come by. I have been searching for one to help my child pass a standardized reading test. In my search, I found Score Educational Centers, a part of the Kaplan, Inc. As a teacher, I know how important it is to have someone qualified to help your child if he or she needs help in the area of reading. I have seen students raise their report card grades and receive higher test scores due to receiving help by trained tutors. It seems to me, after my search, that Score Educational would be a good choice for my child.
Why I Love South Florida!
South Florida can be amazing! I never know what kind of wildlife I may encounter down here. I love being able to go out in my front yard and watch a Great Egret, also known as a White Heron, looking for a meal. It did not even seem to be bothered by my presence. What a site!
(Yes, it looks like my front yard is a jungle. It definitely needs to be manicured.)
Disclosure Policy
This policy is valid from 15 September 2007
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.
The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post may not always be identified as paid or sponsored content.
The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.
To get your own policy, go to http://www.disclosurepolicy.org
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.
The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post may not always be identified as paid or sponsored content.
The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.
To get your own policy, go to http://www.disclosurepolicy.org
Friday, September 14, 2007
Black Friday!
What do you do the day after Thanksgiving, also known as Black Friday? I know what a lot of people do, including me--that is, to shop! But I don't spend my time any more standing in long lines at the malls and dealing with the art of trying to find a parking space. Then, most of the time, by the time you make it to the store--they are out of the item you desperately wanted. That just isn’t all that much fun. What I like to do is to get up early on that Friday, make myself some coffee, then sit down in a comfortable chair with my laptop. I love getting good Thanksgiving deals without leaving the comfort of my home. I just found out about this great site that will help make this shopping experience even better. It is www.black-friday.net. This site actually offers email alerts to let you know when new Black Friday ads have been posted to the site. Shoppers will also be able to purchase some of those most wanted items through the Black Friday site. I know I will be able to get some great Sears deals by going to the Black Friday site. There are several other stores where I'm sure I'll be shopping for great Thanksgiving deals. You should check out the site.
My Dad would be proud!
Last night, while using the garbage disposal, I felt water hitting my leg. I looked under the sink and the pipe coming out of the garbage disposal had come loose from another pipe and water was spraying out (along with junk that was supposed to be going down the drain). Anyway, the other side of the sink had become clogged causing the area around the disposal to "come undone". Well, after using the plunger, then a drain product, then plunging again--the clog finally broke up. But the pipes were still not operational. I went to Home Depot today and got a piece of pipe that had clamps on both ends to put the pipe back together again. Of course, it was not the right size. So, not wanting to go back to the store, I went out into my garage and started scavenging around. I found 2 metal clamps, courtesy of my dad's old stash of whatnots, and a bicycle tire tube. I cut off a small piece of the tube and used it to connect the two pipes, securing it with the clamps. I don't mind telling you--I'm proud of myself for handling the problem. Yes, my dad would be proud.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
I love my digital camera!
Actually, I like it a lot. It is an Olympus Camedia D-535. I would love one, like the Nikon D300, that has more capabilities--but, for now, I am going to keep on using and enjoying the one I have. As a teacher, it is great to be able to take pictures of the class and immediately use the pictures on projects and bulletin boards. The students always love seeing themselves in the pictures. It is also great using a digital camera on trips. I took an awesome trip to St. Louis in March. Looking at the Arch out of my hotel window was great. What made it even better was the morning I looked out and saw a double rainbow right next to the arch. Immediately, I knew had a fantastic picture. I didn't have to wait to get my pictures developed only to find out I did not get a good shot which has happened to me before--several times. I'll never go back to a film camera--digital is the only way! 
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This is a sponsored post.
Blog Catalog
About a month ago, I joined blogcatalog.com. Since then, I have met, in cyberspace, many bloggers with a wealth of information about any topic you can think of. In addition, I have seen some beautiful artwork by various artists who use their blogs to display their work. As a new blogger, I did not know anything about blogs, etc. By joining Blog Catalog, I have learned a lot.
Payperpost: Still Loving It!
I have been posting for Payperpost for about 2 months and I love it! Even though I have not made a ton of money, I'm on my way! Once I get more traffic to my blog, I'll be able to take better opportunities. Then the payment I'll receive for blog ads will grow and grow. Through Payperpost, I have made new friends who have the knowledge I need to help open the door for those better opportunities. I go to their blogs and take in great information. I love Payperpost because I can make money while I do what I love to do--writing and sitting on my comfy recliner at the end of a busy day at work. I love Payperpost because I just made an Ebay purchase and it did not seem like it cost me anything because the purchase was paid for through my PayPal account which is being supplied with money by Payperpost! So if you have a blog, you should think about becoming part of the Payperpost postie family! If you don't have a blog, start one today--and before you know it, you can be posting for Payperpost.
My Secret Sound
I can't believe it. No one has guessed the secret sound at My Secret Sound yet. Why not try guessing the sound yourself by clicking on the ad on the side of my blog. I've already made several unsuccessful guesses, from a pinball machine ball release lever to a release door at the gallows. I need to find out what that sound is. Maybe you can help me before I go insane!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Online Security for Event Registrations
When you make event registrations or purchases on line, do you worry about security? I know that if I owned a business and was planning an event, I would want the registrants to be able to make an event registration with peace of mind. RegOnline.com is the only registration company to hold a rank of Level 1 PCI compliance. That compliance is as good as it gets. Not only do they have the highest possible encryption for credit card info, they also have regular testing and monitoring of networks. The list goes on. I know that today, with so much identity theft going on, I always pay attention to how much security a website has before I make any financial transactions. So if the site has the highest level, such as RegOnline.com, I would feel at ease making those transactions. In fact, I have not made reservations or made a purchase online before if I thought there was any chance that the site was not secure. Security means more to me than the speed or ease of the site when it comes to online transactions. I'd rather take more time to make a purchase allowing the transaction to be secure, then take less time and having the chance of a breach in security. Check out www.regonline.com and see how easy event registrations can be and all the extras they offer at a great price. 
Physical Education
Remember P.E.? When I was a kid many years ago, I had P.E. every day at school. Some things I loved to do--however, other things, such as square dancing and rope climbing, I hated. For the past several years, P.E. in South Florida has just been a once-a-week activity. Well, now, due to a new Florida law, elementary school teachers are supposed to provide their students with 30 minutes of P.E. every day. Hey, I didn't sign up for that!!!! For one thing, I am not young and chipper. (Yes, you read me right--chipper!) Another thing, every day it seems like I'm sending one of the students to the clinic for ice. These kids aren't used to this much exercise! (Me either!) It can't be recess, either. It has to be a formal P.E. activity with regular lesson plans. There is one good thing--maybe I'll lose some weight!!!!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Florida Home Mortgages
Florida residents, have you ever tried searching for Florida mortgages? I have found the perfect website to help locate quotes for a Florida Mortgage. At ehomemortgages.com you can complete an easy application requesting quotes for different kinds of Florida home loans. Whether you want a home mortgage, to refinance or to get a home equity loan, quotes are just a few clicks away. If you are looking for Florida mortgage brokers, there are pages and pages of available brokers. There has to be some available in your area. Why not check out ehomemortgages.com today?
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This is a sponsored post.
September 11th
Tomorrow is September 11th. It is so hard to believe it has been six years ago since the terrible events happened in the U.S. I'm sure most of you remember what you were doing on that fateful day. I was teaching--actually walking my students to the restroom when the school secretary walked up to me and said there had been attacks on the World Trade Center. While the students were at P.E., I turned the t.v. on to find out information for myself. I was watching in horror at the events, but I was not prepared to watch what happened next--the collapse of the first tower--and then the second. During about that same time, I found out those were not the only tragedies. The Pentagon and the other crash in Pennsylvania were also part of this horrific terror attack. I remember for about the first month after these events, people were actually nice to each other. Each morning on the way to work, I had to make a left turn in the middle of a ton of bumper to bumper traffic. Before 9/11, I had to try to squeeze in because no one would let me in. Right after 9/11, everybody wanted to let me in. Then about a month later, I was back to trying to squeeze in. At first, I thought that people had started valuing life so much more and were wanting to make the most of the life they have. It is a shame a tragedy has to happen for people to really want to show real kindness to one another. Don't get me wrong, I know lots and lots of people who are wonderful and kind to everyone they come in contact with. I'm talking about those people who will not let you in while in traffic, those who will not hold the door open for you, the ones who get bent out of shape over little things, etc. I know I need to work on many things to be a kinder person to those people I come in contact with--how about you?
Saturday, September 8, 2007
More about Score Educational Centers
Have you ever tried to teach your own child? I know some people are home schoolers and are very able to work with their own children. However, there are a lot of people who do not have the patience to work with their own kids--especially when it comes to math! I teach, but I found it difficult to maintain my sanity when working with my youngest son on math homework. He has always struggled with math and, even though I could help him, he did not want me to help him. I'm sure many of you can relate to what I am saying. That is why it is best with some children to use qualified Math Tutors instead of trying to do the work yourself. The tutors at Score Educational Centers, a part of Kaplan, Inc., will not only help your child improve in math, they will help your child build up his/her confidence as a student.
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This is a sponsored post.
212 Degrees--The Extra Degree
I was just sent an e-mail that had a link to this very thought provoking movie. I liked it so much I added it to my blog. It definitely makes you think.
Follow this link if you want to see a full screen version: 212 Degrees
Follow this link if you want to see a full screen version: 212 Degrees
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Always Use Coupon Chief!
It won't be long until the holiday season so now is the time to start shopping. Don't forget, before shopping, always check out Coupon Chief to see if there are any promo codes for your favorite store. I just went to the site and I found several of my favorite stores. The first one I came upon was for Old Navy coupons. One coupon is for free shipping with a $50 order and another is for $5 shipping for any size order--a little or a lot! What a way to start that holiday shopping with great Old Navy coupons! I also found great Hickory Farms coupons, too! Why shop at the mall when you can go online and use some great Hickory Farms coupons? Right now there is 25% off any order. I'm getting hungry just thinking about all the delicious things I can get there at a discount. So don't forget, before shopping online, always use Coupon Chief.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Open House out of the way
Last night was my school's open house. I used to dread them. I'd wonder "What will the parents think?", "Will the parents like me?", "Will they feel I'm a good teacher?", etc. Things sure have changed for me. I'm no longer nervous--I just put on my little "show" and if they like me great and if they don't like me, oh well! I have definitely learned over the years you will never please everyone. In addition, you can bend over backwards for some kids and the parents will still find fault in you. So, I know now--I just have to do the best I can. No more, no less!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Ultimate Paintball
If you are crazy about paintball, let me tell you about an awesome on-line store! Anything that you can imagine can be found at the click of a button. Tippmann, Spyder paintball guns, Smart Parts, Dye, Draxxus paintball gear plus many more brands are available at Ultimate Paintball. It wasn't until I visited their site did I realize all the paintball accessories that are available. For those people who are not sure what to purchase, they offer complete paintball packages which "are everything you need to get in the game." Free shipping is offered for all orders over $200. And rest assured, they have a secure website and they are members of the BBB Online Reliability Program in order to make your shopping experience a pleasant one.
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The Lady with the alto voice
Church services will never be the same. A dear lady Gloria passed away suddenly last week. She was a wonderful, loving person who sang with so much feeling. I will miss her and her beautiful alto voice. It is so hard to believe I won't be able to see her or hear her voice anymore on this earth. But thanks to God, I'll see her and many others who have gone on before one day again.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Reading Tutors
Have you considered getting a reading tutor for your child? I have. My son is having trouble passing a state standardized reading test so I've been looking into a tutoring program that could help him prepare for that test. After looking into various programs, I have found that Score Educational Centers have the qualified Reading Tutors that I am looking for. Score is part of Kaplan, Inc., a global educational services provider. Not only will their tutors help him to pass the test, their programs will help to build up his confidence so that he can be successful in the future.
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Amazing Landing!
I was watching the news last night and they were talking about unusual or amazing videos on youtube. One of the ones they were talking about was the plane landings at St. Maarten airport. I decided to check it out. There are several videos. To me, this one seems to be one of the better ones. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvNONncieu0
I'm sure you will agree it is totally amazing.
I'm sure you will agree it is totally amazing.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Why I Feel Strongly about Alzheimer's
Do you know anyone personally that has had Alzheimer's? Well, I do. A very good friend of my family, who passed away a few years ago, had Alzheimer's. It was one of the saddest things I have ever seen. This wonderful, vibrant, loving man became a man who was not recognizable by his actions. He became violent and would not recognize those who knew him--even his caring wife. It was sad to watch his wife of about 50 years trying to help him. She would end up with bruises and cuts from the scuffles she would have with him. Trying to explain his condition to my young children was so hard. They had known him as a nice, older man who was patient with them and then they watched him change to someone who wouldn't talk to them or seem to know they were there. I have known of others who have dealt with this illness, as well. It is great there is an organization called the Alzheimer's Association that is trying to find a cure for Alzheimer's. One of the methods they use to raise money and awareness is the Alzheimer's Memory Walk. This event is held nationwide at different times in the year. There is a time and place for all to become involved. Maybe you would be interested in becoming a Team Captain for the next Memory Walk in your area. If so, make sure you sign up early.
Alzheimer's Association

4 days down, 176 to go!
Yes, I've made it through 4 days of school. I am blessed again. My students are great. There is not one student that I wish wasn't in my class. I'm not saying that they don't do things that they shouldn't at times, but they all seem to be basically good kids. The problem I am having to deal with is the new state mandated 30 minutes of daily P.E. It can't be free play, in other words, recess. It has to be a structured activity each time. There actually is not enough time in the school day to fit in everything else--particularly academic requirements. People sitting in offices making decisions--they did not figure that P.E. would take the place of some academic activity. I agree that kids need more exercise, but an additional half hour needs to be added to the school day so we can fit it in--and, of course, teachers need to be paid more for that extra half hour.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Starting a New Business
Have you ever thought about starting your own business? I have and, if you are like me, have no idea how to start one. Well, I found a great website that helps people start their own business. It is www.incparadise.com . Not only can you find information about Arizona incorporations, you can learn how to be incorporated in any state. I recently read about a young man who happened upon the www.incparadise.com website. He decided to take action and start a book selling business on EBAY. To start his business, he had friends and family give him books to sell. At last word, he was earning about $100,000 per year. The site is very user friendly. It gives you information on what type of company would be best for you, LLC, S Corporation or C Corporation. In addition, there is a great question and answer section. If you can't find the answer there, you can call them at 1-888-284-3821. If you need forms, etc., you can purchase corporation and LLC kits right from the site. This company definitely makes it easy to start a business. What makes it even better, its prices are lower than the competition.
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Saturday, August 18, 2007
Please--No Hurricanes!
I am praying that South Florida doesn't have any hurricanes this year. I am so thankful Hurricane Dean is on its way past us--but I don't want it to hit anyone else either. It would be devastating for it to slam Texas or New Orleans, as well as Central America. I don't feel like I could handle a hurricane right now--I've had several other pressures to deal with. In addition, ever since Hurricane Wilma hit down here two years, insurance rates went sky high. That, along with the mortgage issues, has made it hard for people to sell their houses. And, then, when it comes to protection, I only have wind resistant film on my windows--no shutters. So I am a little nervous about that. One good thing, however, is that I have a new roof--so I know that won't fly off. But I really don't want to go through a hurricane to know that for sure!
Friday, August 17, 2007
Lap Band by Journey Lite
Have you ever heard of Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding? Let me tell you, it seems to be an amazing procedure, also known as the LAP-BAND® System procedure, which can help obese people have a new lease on life. During the procedure, a Journey Lite surgeon makes tiny incisions and places an inflatable silicon band around the upper part of the stomach. Once it is in place, the surgeon inflates the band and adds a saline solution. This procedure causes a reduction in the amount of food that can be taken in at one time and, in turn, allows the person to feel full and to eat less. If you go to the Journey Lite website, you can see a video on this minimally invasive procedure.
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My Maniac Dog is Still At It!!!!
My dog, Muffy, is still driving me insane. Just about every night she has what I think is close to a human's panic attack. She runs around the house panting and whining. When it's time for bed, she wants on the bed, then she wants off the bed, then she wants out of the room, then she wants in the room. Sometimes she acts like she is trying to dig a hole in the carpet. Luckily, not on the new carpet--so far. Anyway, the other night, I gave her a tranquilizer and she seemed much better--for a while. Then, at 1:22 a.m., she started up all over again. It is worse than having a baby getting up in the middle of the night. At least with a baby, you feed it, change it, then go back to bed. With Muffy, you don't know what to do with it! I hope she gets over it by next Sunday night, so I can have a good night's sleep before I have to deal with a classroom full of kids.
Monday, August 13, 2007
I know I didn't put that in storage!!!
I love animals--but not so much that I want mice living in my storage unit. I started renting a storage unit a couple of months ago when I thought I was going to move. I put in things that I didn't need around the house plus all my school stuff. Well, I went there on Sunday afternoon to find that my storage unit has an non-paying tenant. I didn't actually see the little rascal--but I found some of its special gifts--if you know what I mean. Today I went to the unit again and really had a look. It looks like it is after my craft supplies. It took ribbon out of one box. It also bit through some of the wiring of my Christmas lights. I actually think it is living in another box--because a typical looking mouse hole is in the side of the box. I have a bunch of boxes in my car right now that I'm taking to my school--I hope I didn't pick up a stowaway! The storage company is going to set up traps. I hope I never see a little mouse in it. Then, I'll feel guilty.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Score Educational Centers
I have checked into tutoring programs and one that I have found that has an Innovative Tutor program is Score Educational Centers. A part of the Kaplan, Inc., a global educational services provider, they offer two types of in-house programs. One is called the Advantage Program which is a customized computer-based program. The other program is Personal Academic Tutoring which is paper-based and for children who need one-on-one training. Both programs help build up a child's confidence and to become more independent. Recently, they added an "on the go" workbook an on-line program which allows students to work outside of the center. With all of this, along with the caring and qualified tutors, I feel Score is the program for my child. 
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