Thursday, August 23, 2007

4 days down, 176 to go!

Yes, I've made it through 4 days of school. I am blessed again. My students are great. There is not one student that I wish wasn't in my class. I'm not saying that they don't do things that they shouldn't at times, but they all seem to be basically good kids. The problem I am having to deal with is the new state mandated 30 minutes of daily P.E. It can't be free play, in other words, recess. It has to be a structured activity each time. There actually is not enough time in the school day to fit in everything else--particularly academic requirements. People sitting in offices making decisions--they did not figure that P.E. would take the place of some academic activity. I agree that kids need more exercise, but an additional half hour needs to be added to the school day so we can fit it in--and, of course, teachers need to be paid more for that extra half hour.

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