Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Physical Education

Remember P.E.? When I was a kid many years ago, I had P.E. every day at school. Some things I loved to do--however, other things, such as square dancing and rope climbing, I hated. For the past several years, P.E. in South Florida has just been a once-a-week activity. Well, now, due to a new Florida law, elementary school teachers are supposed to provide their students with 30 minutes of P.E. every day. Hey, I didn't sign up for that!!!! For one thing, I am not young and chipper. (Yes, you read me right--chipper!) Another thing, every day it seems like I'm sending one of the students to the clinic for ice. These kids aren't used to this much exercise! (Me either!) It can't be recess, either. It has to be a formal P.E. activity with regular lesson plans. There is one good thing--maybe I'll lose some weight!!!!

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