Saturday, October 27, 2007

Today is my birthday!

What did I do exciting? I cleaned my refrigerator. Hey, that is exciting. Now I have a nice, clean fridge. I did go to lunch with my mom, my sister-in-law and my niece. Later, my son and I went to a game night at my church. My 88 year old mom made me a birthday cake to take. She hasn't realized people are supposed to be taking care of her!!!! Anyway, I know my birthday doesn't sound very exciting--but I'm happy to be alive and healthy with a family to love and who loves me. (I actually celebrated my birthday last weekend when my 2 other kids came down for the weekend.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish I could have stayed down there longer. Hopefully once I've established myself at this new job, I will be able to take a week off or something and spend more time down there.

Love you!