Friday, September 28, 2007

I'll never get ahead!

I'm a teacher, as you probably already realized if you read some of my earlier posts. Our district just approved a new contract with about a 5% raise, more or less. Anyway, that does not mean everyone gets that amount--it means that is the average. Some people could end up with more and some people could end up with less. I'm not sure what mine will actually end up being but I know it does not cover the cost of living increase down here in South Florida. Well, we all know the cost of gas keeps increasing. I just saw on the internet that the cost of groceries is also going up. I came home to a notice in my mailbox from my car insurance company that the cost of car insurance may go up. It seems like I am always taking one step forward only to end up going two steps backwards. Like I said, I'll never get ahead!

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