The other night I was having trouble sleeping so I turned on the T.V. The show I started watching was "How I Made My Millions". I don't know if a show like that is uplifting or depressing. It is exciting to see how people took a simple idea, which then took off, and now they are millionaires. However, it's depressing, too, because I don't feel I have what it takes to take the risk these people did nor do I feel I know how to go about manufacturing and marketing an idea. I come up with ideas all of the time. For example, when my children were infants, I thought it would be much better if the infant carrier I was using was also a car seat. Within a couple of years, all infant carriers were car seats. I think of the times, when I was in college, where I took scotch tape, wrapped it around my hand with the sticky side out, then used it to go over my clothes to get the lint off. Now someone is a millionaire because they created the lint roller. Why didn't I think of that?!?!?! I'm sure you have felt the same. Hopefully, I'll write on my blog some day about my great invention that has made millions. But, don't hold your breath!
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