Monday, December 8, 2008
LogicBUY--It is only logical!!!!
Hey, it has been a long time since I've blogged about anything but I found a great site that I've got to get the word out about. LogicBUY! I thought I had let all the XBox 360 deals pass me by when I decided to go searching on the internet. I came across LogicBUY. Not only did I find a great deal with Dell for the XBox, I got it for a cheaper price than any locally advertised price, including Black Friday deals. No staying up all night in line for me!!!! Besides that, I ordered it and received it in less than 5 days--with free shipping! Go now to and see what deals are waiting for you.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Jesus on Spoon--Not!!!
First of all--how does anyone know what Jesus looked like? We know there are no photos of Him. Have drawings been found? The only images I know of are artists' depictions of Him done centuries after He was living on Earth. In addition, look at the picture of Che Guevara below. Doesn't he look like the image in the spoon? Finally, we should not be looking for images of Jesus in things! We should be looking for Him in people's lives! He should be living in each of us!!!!

Saturday, March 15, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Back to fixing up the house
It is so hard to believe that it has been almost a year since I started having work done around the house. New carpet, new interior paint, a new flat roof over my den and a remodeled bathroom sure made my house look a lot better. But it wasn't done then and it still isn't done now--but more is being done. Two new front windows have changed the way the front of my house looks plus it has kept a lot of air conditioning from escaping my house to the outside world. My bathroom and dressing room just got some new tile and a leak in my shower is getting fixed. I hope to put my house up for sale in the near future, but the more that gets done to it to make it look nicer, the more I'll hate to sell it. Well, the way the market is in South Florida, it might not sell!
Avand Plumbing Courses
I love taking courses. As a teacher, I am constantly taking courses to learn new techniques and strategies to become better at what I do. In fact, I just finished a fantastic course where I was taught strategies to help me motivate my students to become more respectful people. I have already been putting some of my new learned strategies into action and have seen a difference in some of my students. Have you ever thought about taking courses to get better at your profession or to learn a new trade? If I was thinking about a new trade, I might think about becoming a plumber. Avand offers intensive 4 week Plumbing Courses that teaches all you need to know about becoming a plumber. I know plumbers make a lot more than teachers--so maybe I should still look into it. If you're thinking about becoming a plumber, you should take a look at Avand.
Hey--I've been on Weightwatchers for about 3 weeks and it hasn't been that bad. In fact, I've lost 3 1/2 lbs and I'm eating a lot healthier. I weigh in again tomorrow. I have to be honest, though. This week hasn't been so good. I've had a couple of bad days. With weightwatchers, you're supposed to eat so many dairy products a day, as well as vegetables and fruits. In addition, you need to drink lots of water and make sure you get your fiber in. It is a point system--which really isn't the hard part. It's making sure you get in all of those other things. It was hard to get vegetables in some of the time. I didn't have any salad or other vegetable in the house. So, I have a feeling I did not lose as much this week. In fact, I may not have lost anything. I just hope I didn't gain! Besides that, I need to get on an exercise routine. I can actually join a gym for free with my health insurance plan. It's just doing it!!!!
Friday, February 22, 2008
Managing Debt
I would love to win a contest that was giving away a lot of money so I can pay off all my debt. My mortgage, car loan and credit card bills just never seem to go away. Well, my chances are slim for winning any money so I have to take hold of my own life and get out of debt on my own. Bankruptcy is not the right answer! Working things out is. I have had some financial situations in the past few years causing me to get in debt. The good thing is that I always make my payments on time and keep the credit cards out of my purse so the balances only get lower. They are definitely going down--slow but sure. If I don't have enough money to purchase something, that means I can't afford it and I don't purchase it. I used to not be like that. If I wanted something, I took out the old plastic. Plus, I was late with payments from time to time. I'm so glad that I finally came to my senses and only purchase what I can afford--with money--not plastic and pay my bills on time. At times, some of us need help in managing our debt. If you feel you can't do as I am and you need help managing your debt, you may need an IVA. Don't give up--there is a way out!!!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
The Animal Rescue Site
Hey, make sure you go to The Animal Rescue Site and do some clicking! The more clicks, the more help sponsors will give to help care for and feed abandoned animals. If you don't believe me, go to for more information. It's for real!!!!!
Monday, February 4, 2008
The 1972 Dolphins team remains the only resident of Perfectville!!!!
Thank you, Giants!!!!!
Thank you, Giants!!!!!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Getting indexed by Google
I am no expert on the above referenced subject. However, some day when I have time to really put some work into my blog and actually write some articles that will appeal to more people, I will use the information on this great site on "How to get indexed by Google". I read through some of the tips and read several reader comments, and everything is positive and informative. If you're looking for some good info, check it out!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Daydream Believer
I just read where John Stewart, the writer of this number 1 song by the Monkees, just passed away. Boy, does that song bring back memories. When I was a young teenager, it was my favorite song. I used to collect Monkee cards which were just like baseball cards with bubble gum. My friends and I would get up early and go to school an hour before it started just so we could walk way out of the way to a 7-11 in order to get some of the cards.
Prime Dating Sites
I have never tried using a dating site to hook me up with other Singles, but now I might. I have found the perfect informational site which gives thorough reviews and links to various dating sites. For example, you can check out reviews of along with another one called , as well as several others. Once you check out the reviews, you can make an informed decision as to which one would be best for your needs. What a great way to compare sites! It is much easier than going on Google and searching one by one.
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This is a sponsored post.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Puzzle contest at
I recently asked you to go to to vote on my picture. It is not that great of a picture--but that doesn't matter. It is the number of votes that can help me win a $50 gift card. One other contest that is on the site is a puzzle contest. By completing the puzzle, you also have a chance to win a gift card. Maybe we can win!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Make Money Blog
Hey! I just found a great make money blog that is having a contest where you can actually win some money! You never know--you could be the lucky one, or maybe me! The site also has some great posting tips under the heading "What to write when you draw a blank" for the days you are having trouble thinking of something to write about. Why not check it out!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Finance Genius
Are you looking for a loan? If so, is the perfect one spot place to get information about any kind of loan. How about an Auto Refinance? Once again, is the place to go to find what you need. There is information about college loans. They even have a loan calculator. This fabulous site makes it easy for the busy person, like you, to find the right kind of loan or refinancing that is right for you.
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This is a sponsored post.
I have been part of the best workshop over the past couple of days. It is called Tribes. It is a workshop for teachers and school personnel to help ourselves and then, in turn, help students become better people. The main things that are focused are: active listening, no put downs/show appreciation and mutual respect. I will continue with an update of this workshop with more details after it is over on Tuesday. You know it must be pretty good if I am enjoying it even though I had to take one and a half of my teacher workdays and a Saturday to take the course.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Bad Credit Offers
If you are looking for a site that can help you research
bad credit loans, I found the perfect site. At, you can compare several bad credit offers to find one for your individual needs. Whether you are looking for a loan or for a credit card, there is definitely an offer for you. There is also a quick link to get your free credit report. Why not check the site out today?
bad credit loans, I found the perfect site. At, you can compare several bad credit offers to find one for your individual needs. Whether you are looking for a loan or for a credit card, there is definitely an offer for you. There is also a quick link to get your free credit report. Why not check the site out today?
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Rate my photo!

I took this picture from my hotel room when I went to St. Louis last year. I'd love it if you'd go to and rate it for me. I want to win a $50 Visa gift certificate. I'm desperate! (Not really; but, I wouldn't mind a little extra cash.)
Faith, Family, Friends
If you read my earlier post, you may think all I think about is money. I really don't. I'm happy here on this great earth. I have tons of blessings--my faith, my family and my friends. If making millions took any one of those things away, I wouldn't want it. (I wouldn't mind, however, if I had a little extra money just to make ends meet each month without having to rob Peter to pay Paul!)
I want millions, too!!!!

The other night I was having trouble sleeping so I turned on the T.V. The show I started watching was "How I Made My Millions". I don't know if a show like that is uplifting or depressing. It is exciting to see how people took a simple idea, which then took off, and now they are millionaires. However, it's depressing, too, because I don't feel I have what it takes to take the risk these people did nor do I feel I know how to go about manufacturing and marketing an idea. I come up with ideas all of the time. For example, when my children were infants, I thought it would be much better if the infant carrier I was using was also a car seat. Within a couple of years, all infant carriers were car seats. I think of the times, when I was in college, where I took scotch tape, wrapped it around my hand with the sticky side out, then used it to go over my clothes to get the lint off. Now someone is a millionaire because they created the lint roller. Why didn't I think of that?!?!?! I'm sure you have felt the same. Hopefully, I'll write on my blog some day about my great invention that has made millions. But, don't hold your breath!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Human Touch Quality Massage Chairs
I just found the best Massage Chair! Because of its innovative technology, it is one that offers a human-like massage that feels close to one given by massage professionals. The chair is so much better than the massage pads that are available at your local drug store because with the Human Touch Massage Chair you can get a full-body massage which follows the contours of your spine and body from your neck to your feet. There are several settings that you can program in order to customize the massage for your unique needs. Sore, tight muscles--no problem, help is just a click away. That is, if you're sitting in a Human Touch Massage Chair. Why not go to and check out what is available for yourself.
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This is a sponsored post.
88 and going strong!
It is so amazing how my mom is able to do what she does at the ripe old age of 88. After my dad died in 2000, I wondered how she would handle everything. She did so much for him and I knew she had a major void in her life. Less than a year later, since I'm divorced with kids, we decided it would be good to buy a house together. But it wasn't long until she met a man at church (2 years younger than her) and, before you knew it, she began a life of wedded bliss. I tell everybody that she eloped to get away from my kids and me. She definitely became much happier living with him than with us! Even though she has been through many health issues, she keeps on going strong. She even makes my son and me dinner once a week. I hope I have half her energy when and if I get to be her age. (I really don't think I'll make it!)
Complete Prescription Eyeglasses Online
It's amazing what's available online nowadays! I'm excited to find out there is a site you can actually get complete prescription eyeglasses. I came across aGreat Discovery: The prices and the selection of frames are unbelievable. They offer all types of lenses, too. Bi-focal, progressive, tinted, scratch-resistant and more are available. Some at no extra cost. They can offer such low prices because they sell their own manufactured frames direct to the customer without a middleman. I know the next time I plan on purchasing prescription glasses, I'm checking out 

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This is a sponsored post.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
This is why I love South Florida!
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