Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Household Tips #1

Thanks to the internet, I found the best way to remove wallpaper. Of course it wasn't the first way I tried or the second, but I eventually found the best. First, I had my son use some stuff that had warnings on the container stating that it was necessary to wear goggles and chemical resistant gloves. He tried spraying the stuff on the wall, as directed, and before you knew it he was running to the bathroom stripping off his clothes jumping in the shower because the fumes were burning his face! The second thing I tried was another disaster--well, it's my fault that it became a mess. I thought I was buying wallpaper stripper but I actually purchased paint stripper. So, my son, trying to help out, applied this to the wallpaper only to end up with a gloopy mess. Luckily I realized my error before he put more on the wall. Frustrated I decided to check out wallpaper removal on the internet. I found a site where people gave their recommendations. The first recommendation I tried was to mix 1/3 cup of fabric softener with 2/3 cup hot water and apply it to the wall. It worked pretty good. But I decided to try another recommendation which was to mix 1 cup of white vinegar with 1 gallon of hot water and spray onto the wall. It worked great! And what makes it even better is that it's so much cheaper than store bought wallpaper removal products.

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