Friday, November 30, 2007
Sweeney Todd Movie
Lately, I have been seeing advertisements for the new Johnny Depp movie, Sweeney Todd. I also saw an interview with Johnny and the director, Tim Burton, on T.V. last night. So, having my interest peaked, I decided to visit the official Sweeney Todd movie site. Now, I know I am going to have to see that movie! Adding together the abilities of both of those men, you know it is going to be something else. It definitely looks like a major case of REVENGE! Revenge has been successfully portrayed in movies for a long time. It is so tantalizing! I remember a movie I once saw called "Fatal Attraction". The main problem in this story is that the character played by Michael Douglas, who was married, had an affair with a business associate, played by Glenn Close. When the man realized he made a mistake and did not want to see the woman again, she decided to seek revenge in various ways. One of the most memorable ways was when she "stewed" the family's pet rabbit. Not a pleasant thought, especially since I own a rabbit and I would hate to come home and find it stewed! I have a feeling Sweeney Todd is going to out "revenge" Fatal Attraction. I can't wait to find out. I'm going to visit Sweeney Todd on MySpace. You should, too. 
I need to win the lottery!!!!
It might be hard to do since I don't even play the lottery. It's just that some times I get tired of dealing with students who have no respect for authority. I'm amazed at times. I really do love teaching, though. I love when students are able to do things successfully they weren't able to do before. I love when students really seem appreciative of what they have been taught. Most students are great--but one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch. One disrespectful student can ruin it for everyone!! Sorry about my venting! Next week, I'm sure I'll be happy to be teaching again.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Coupon Chief is waiting for you!!!!
If you haven't checked out Coupon Chief yet--what are you waiting for???? You're shopping for gifts, right? You like to save money, right? Then, you have to check out Coupon Chief and get some great coupons! Right now you can get great The Sports Authority deals. I just saw a Sports Authority coupon for $10 off a $50 purchase. There is also a coupon for free shipping! If you are looking for electronics, try a great Circuit City deal. A Circuit City coupon for free shipping on any order $24 or more can save you lots of money.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Rate my picture!
Hey, please do me a favor. Go to the following site: and rate a picture I submitted. If I get 20 votes, I can try to win an iPod Shuffle.
Thanks for your help.
Thanks for your help.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Need affordable car insurance?
If you live in California and are looking for affordable car insurance, why not check out the Torrance insurance company, Cost-U-Less Insurance Center? It is one of the fastest growing insurance brokers in California. Besides Torrance, Cost-U-Less has over 70 other locations. In addition, they have over 100 programs for cheap insurance that you can choose from. I'm sure there is a program right for you.
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This is a sponsored post.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Here we go again!!!
Last night, while sitting in the den watching T.V., I noticed that my cat was making a lot of noise running around in the living room. I thought, hopefully, he is chasing a lizard around. Things calmed down for a while then I heard a ruckus again. I looked up and saw my cat run across the foyer chasing a giant rat!!!! Not a rat in the house again!!! (Anytime the weather is nice I leave the back door open and my cat thinks that it means to bring toys in the house to play with.) Well, anyway, I went in the living room to see if I could see the rat. It was on top of a iron railing that separates the living room from the foyer. Since it was near the front door, I decided to open the front door to see if it would run out. No, of course it wouldn't do something so easy. So, I got a broom. I knew I had one chance to try to whack that rat right out the front door. So, I counted 1, 2, 3 - - Whack! Yea!!!! It went right out the door, landed on its feet and ran off. I don't know if it was going to survive because my cat ran out right after it. I didn't care to find out. I slammed the door shut!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Good News, Bad News
I just heard two news stories. One has to do with an honest waiter at Harrah's Casino who found a wallet with $8,000 in it. Yes, he turned it in. But guess what! For his honesty, the owner gave him back the wallet with the $8,000 still in it!!!! What a great story. Oh yeah. Now for the bad news. A guy was trying to steal a car at the Micosukkee Gaming Resort in South Florida. The police were called to the scene. Instead of turning himself in, the guy decided to flee. He jumped into a lake. Well, the police did not find him until later. They found his torso with alligator bites on it!!!! The moral of the story--honesty is the best policy and dishonesty is the worst!
A Great Coupon Site
Do you love Coupons? I do, and I just found a great coupon There are coupons for anything from flowers to printer cartridges to electronics. I am sure there is a coupon for you. I am planning on using an FTD coupon code to purchase a flower arrangement to send to my aunt over the holidays. I have done that in the past and she is always so appreciative. Don't you know of someone who would love a flower arrangement? I am also planning on using Kohls coupons so I can get at least 10% off an order. I can always find something at Kohls! With the holidays coming up, (and gas prices, too) I need to figure out ways to save some money. This great coupon site is just one way to do that. It has an easy to use layout that is updated daily. Check it out for yourself!
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This is a sponsored post.
Thank goodness--no emergency room this time!
I couldn't believe it! Last night, I got a phone call from my son saying he was in a car accident. The same son I've already been to the emergency room 4 times in the past year. Luckily, both him and the driver were fine. The car they were in hydroplaned and then spun around into a guard rail. I am so thankful to God that nothing happened to the two of them.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Looking for an innovative tutor?
Score Educational Center is the place to find a qualified and Innovative Tutor for your child. I have checked out many sites looking for a tutor for my son and I feel Score has all the qualifications necessary to help a child not only in subject matter, but also in building up self-esteem and confidence. Score provides a hands-on approach which helps to make learning fun. For many children, that can make all the difference in whether or not they become successful. What makes Score even better is the fact that it is part of the Kaplan family of educational companies. So, without a doubt, you know that you are getting experience and knowledge when you use Score. 
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This is a sponsored post.
No more emergency rooms, please!
In the past year, I've taken my son to the emergency room 4 times! One time he sliced open his finger; another time he dislocated his shoulder; once he had trouble with his side--we thought it could be kidney stones like he had about 5 years ago; and last night, I took him because a friend drove over his foot with his car!!!! Yes, his car! Luckily, he ended up with just a sprained ankle. I've always heard there is one in every family--well, he's the one!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Have you been looking for a new car? Do you need a Honda Car Quote? If you do, I have the perfect website for you to visit. It is You can get up to 2 car quotes free. Why pay full price for a new Honda or any other car you may be interested in? Dealers will compete for your business so you will receive quotes below wholesale prices. It's FAST and FREE. Not only can you get car quotes, you can also use the easy on-line application for a car loan and get approved in less than a minute. Do you already have a car loan? No problem. At their site, you can apply to refinance your loan to reduce your interest rate and even skip some payments. You could save thousands of dollars--even with bad credit! Do you need insurance? You can get insurance quotes in a snap. And you wouldn't want a car without a warranty. Yes, you can get a warranty for your car at, too.
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This is a sponsored post.
A+ Money--Yea!!!!!
Down here in Florida (or up here--depending on who's reading this post), the schools have to face the FCAT every year. It is a statewide test for all public school students from 3rd grade to 10th grade. Not only do the children receive scores, the schools receive grades. The school that I was a part of last year received an "A". So that means the staff receives a bonus. Well, the bonus is supposed to be in my next paycheck. I'm so excited about that! I was figuring my finances last night trying to come up with a solution to my empty bank account. The A+ money may just be a bandaid, but it is better than nothing!! A lot better!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Stuck in "The Mist"
Have you ever been stuck in "the mist"? Well, I have never been stuck in "the mist", but two of my kids and I were once stuck in an awful thunderstorm. I'm going to tell you--it was one of the scariest times of my life. We were traveling from South Florida to Texas. We were driving just north of Orlando when a terrible thunderstorm quickly charged in. At first, thinking I could drive through it, I kept on going. But, it didn't take long to realize that was not going to work. The wind was blowing so hard that the rain was actually going sideways. Besides that the clouds looked like a tornado was ready to form. In fact, it started hailing--one of the tornado signs. We decided to pull off at a little shopping center. We thought we could run into a little grocery store. But, then the lightning started non-stop! Transformers were blowing all around us giving the sky an eerie green hue. We did not know what to do--stay in the car and maybe face a tornado or run inside the store and maybe get struck by lightning. Well, we stayed in the car, and huddled together covering ourselves with a big blanket and prayed! I was never happier than when that storm passed. I was supposed to be the defending mother and I was almost as scared as my kids! Thank goodness I did not have to worry about something supernatural or crazy like in The Mist by Stephen King that is coming out November 21st. Now that would really be scary. You should check out the site and take a look at the trailers and you'll see what I mean. Creepy, scary and intense!
Chicklet--We'll Miss You!
I'm really sad right now. Our sweet little Chicklet just passed away. The good thing is that she died in her sleep in her little bed with dog biscuits by her side. I had just given her some dinner and I could tell she was not feeling well, because she did not act like she was hungry. You see, she had a seizure a couple of years ago and she had progressively gone down in her health since then. About 8 months ago or so, she started whining and panting now and then. Her doctor said it was effects from the seizure and just plain old age. I'm so glad she died peacefully and that I did not have to make the decision of putting her to sleep as I have had to do with some of my other pets. After having her a part of our family for over 11 years, it's going to be hard to imagine life without her. We acquired her when my oldest son, Scott, brought her home one day from a neighbor's house. She had been found near some warehouses and the neighbor could not keep her. The dog we had at the time was very old and I knew would not live much longer so I decided to keep her. We are guessing she was about 4 years old. She added a lot of fun and laughter to our lives and, at times, craziness. She was very protective of whoever's bed she was sleeping in and very protective of her dog biscuits. She did mellow with age, however. She is going to be so missed.
What makes this even worse is that today is Scott's birthday--and Chicklet was his dog.
I Wish I Had Dentemp OS!
I know in the future I'll be saying "I wish I had Dentemp OS" if I don't get some soon to put in my medicine cabinet. I've had a a problem with one of my fillings lately and it's going to be a few weeks before I can get in to see the dentist. After checking out the Dentemp OS website and reading up on its benefits, it seems like the perfect solution for a temporary dental repair and fast relief of pain and discomfort. I know when I have had problems in the past, I would have loved to have Dentemp OS for some quick relief. In fact, I found it hard to eat and talk normally one time. It was quite embarrassing. The Majestic Drug Company has been around a long time making great products. Dentemp OS is one of those great products. It is so easy to use. Just remove it from its plastic vial and it's ready to use. No Mess! No Mixing! And there are several applications in each vial. The most important part of the product is that it has been tested and it fully complies with FDA Regulations for Oral Care. Honestly, I'm getting some soon and if I find the need to use it, I'll post the results on my blog. 
Another life lost!
Oh, the woes of South Florida. Another police officer killed in the line of duty. 76 years old and doing a job he had done for 20 years. Someone, who has no value of life, decided to put himself above everyone else and disrupt the lives of many people by taking the officer's life while the officer was transporting him to court. You see he was already in jail for a bunch of other charges. I am getting tired of hearing such depressing news. We've had several police shootings in the last few months--3 resulting in death. South Florida used to be known for its crime--then it seemed to get better. Now, it seems like it is getting bad again. At least I can thank God that they did catch the guy.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Are you looking for a freelancer?
I just found the best place for a freelancer. You should check it out, too. If you are in need of someone to help you with your computer website, you will be able to hook up with website, design, writing, programming, and administrative support professionals. If you are the professional, you can use the site to help you find work that you are qualified to perform. In addition, there is a "Water Cooler" link where you can post comments regarding your experiences, plus other informative links. You need to take a look at this great site for yourself.
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This is a sponsored post.
A Year of No Hurricanes!
It looks like we have dodged another bullet down here in South Florida. Tropical Storm Noel passed us by just giving us some scattered showers and strong winds. However, the beach erosion caused by the storm is significant. I hope we don't get washed out to sea! I also hope I haven't counted my chickens too fast. Hurricane season is not yet officially over--not until November 30th. Even though we could use the rain, we do not need another hurricane.
Friday, November 2, 2007
My garage needs help!!!
My garage is in dire need of organization. There is no rhyme or reason to it. Piles of stuff are everywhere. I started to clean it not long ago, but I gave up because I didn't know what to do with everything. I recently found a website that has a great selection of garage storage cabinets and shelving that would make my garage a much nicer place. A place I wouldn't be afraid to go into at night. As it is now, I never know what could be lurking behind the mountains of "whatever". You should check, too.
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This is a sponsored post.
Yea--a Cold Front!
I heard we are supposed to have a cold front to come through down here in sunny South Florida. I heard it is supposed to get in the low 80's!!! Wow, I better get out the jackets and turn the heat on! I guess compared to the 90's that's cold. But I'm in the mood for some really cool whether. I didn't say cold--I'm not that crazy. I've been living down here so long that my blood is too thin for really cold weather. The 60's would be nice--for a few days.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Payday Loan Quotes
If you are looking for a loan to hold you over between paychecks, you should check out Payday Loan Quotes. You can get a small, short term loan electronically deposited into your checking account. All levels of credit are welcome and the online application is confidential and secure. There is an easy-to-use online calculator so you can see what kind of rates you would pay for the loan amount you desire. Check it out today!
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