Saturday, July 28, 2007
Another interview!
Now I have to do in Broward County what I had already accomplished in Seminole County--that is, get a job! I faxed 25 resumes from last Wednesday to Friday morning. I hand-delivered three. I have about 15 more I will fax on Monday, maybe. Well, one of my faxes has already netted me an interview on Monday morning. So, I will see how that goes, then decide if I need to fax the rest of the resumes. I also got an e-mail from my ex-principal (boo! hoo!) saying that 2 other principals e-mailed her asking about me. If I don't get the job I'm interviewing for on Monday, then, hopefully, there will be some other interviews to go to. Out of the three, I really want the one I already have the interview scheduled. Once again--prayer time!!!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Another phone call!
I got another phone call today for a job interview in Seminole County! It's too bad that I don't want any more phone calls from that county--now I need phone calls from Broward County. Deciding to stay in South Florida has caused a new stress. Where am I going to work? My old school already had someone hired in my vacant position. So now I am pounding the pavement to find another position. I went to the Instructional Staffing today to make sure they realized I needed to be placed. They told me they would place me. I can keep looking on my own--which I hope produces a job. What if I am placed at a school that I really would not like to work at. So, finding a place on my own would be better. Another night of prayer!!!!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
A Real Rescue!
A few weeks ago, I wrote about an incident where I thought I was going to rescue a turtle on the side of the road and it ended up being a shoe. Well, today I actually made a rescue. I was driving over to my school, or should I say ex-school, that I wish was still my school. Anyway, I was driving down the street when I saw what I thought was a dead, green parrot on the side of the road. That is not a rare sight since we have parrots all over the place in South Florida and some times they are hit by cars. Well, I kept driving and, once again worry over the hurt animal set in. What if it's not dead? So, I turned around and when I reached it, I found out that it was alive. At first, it seemed really bad off because it was limp and gasping for breath. I picked it up and it wasn't long before it perked up a little and started squawking. Then, I was afraid it was going to bite me, but, thankfully, it didn't. It seemed like it wasn't going to be able to fly because it was still somewhat limp, but I decided to put it on a fence post to see what it would do. I heard other parrots overhead and, then, I was afraid they may think I'm hurting their friend and try to attack me. The parrot was barely able to sit--then, all of a sudden, it seemed like it heard the other parrots, because it perked up the rest of the way and flew off. Yes! A successful rescue!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Another thing to drive you insane!
Subliminal ads a thing of the past? Maybe not. Check out this YouTube video showing a McDonald's one frame ad in the middle of a Iron Chef show. Was it intentional or a mistake? You may have to watch it a few times to actually see the ad. I watched it four times. Two times I saw it and two times I didn't. I hope it was a mistake.
Drive yourself insane!
If you really want to drive yourself insane (of course you do)--go to My Secret Sound and try to figure out the secret sound. I didn't want to tell anyone else about the site so I could win the $2,000 myself--but I have decided it is a lost cause for me. Maybe, if you win it, and you learned about the site from me, you will remember me--if you know what I mean.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
It feels good to slow down!
I was overwhelmed with all the things I had to do before moving. Now that I've decided not to move, I am on slow speed--and it feels good. I was getting up each morning and either working on a project to get the house ready to sell, applying for jobs or trying to find a house in Seminole County that would allow 2 dogs and 2 cats. I didn't have much time to enjoy life for the last month. It is such a great feeling to know that I don't have to finish that project right now and I can actually do something that I really enjoy doing. I will continue to work on projects, but just not on hyperspeed!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Coupon Chief is Fantastic!
Wow! I just checked out the coupons available on Coupon Chief. Right now it is offering eleven, yes, eleven coupons for Discount Office Supplies. I wish I had known about Coupon Chief when I had ordered three electric pencil sharpeners from Discount Office Supplies a few months ago. I could have saved some money. Even though Discount Office Supplies has great prices, it's always nice to have a coupon code to make the prices even better. Besides Discount Office Supplies, Coupon Chief has coupon codes for many other companies. It even has some "how-to" videos on its site. Hey, I could stay here talking about Coupon Chief. With school just around the corner, I'm going to stop talking and start shopping--with my friend, the Coupon Chief!
This post is sponsored.
This post is sponsored.
The Saga Continues....
After a sleepless night, I've made my decision. I am staying in Broward County. I may not be able to work at my old school, if there is not a position available. But I will be able to get a job somewhere in the county. I just could not take the stress of the move right now. My mom has not been feeling well lately. I'd feel awful if she got worse after I left. Also, I've had some other financial situations that came up making it almost impossible for me to afford the move. I really think this is the best decision I could make. Everyone I have told is very happy that I've decided to stay. On Monday, I'll have to go talk to people at Broward about getting a job and talk to the principal in Seminole about not accepting her offer. Hopefully, after those two events, I'll have less stress in my life. Besides that, I won't have to get my house ready to sell, in an unsellable market, within two weeks. That is a relief!
Coupon Crazy!
I love coupons--especially online coupons. I also love shopping at Footlocker. So if I can go to where I can get Footlocker coupons, nothing could be better. Once my youngest son became a teenager, Footlocker became our favorite store. He loves the selection of shoes and the assortment of t-shirts that are offered. He also likes the different polo style shirts, the team jerseys and the variety of shorts. We used to only shop at the stores, which are usually located in malls. When I found out that there is an even better selection of shoes and clothing online, and I don't have to go to the mall, I decided that was the way to shop. But I was only halfway there because, at first, I did not use any coupons. So the day I discovered there are online coupons for Footlocker, I was thrilled. Who doesn't like to save money? The last coupon I used was for an extra 20% off my purchase! Not only are there online coupons for Footlocker, there are a ton of other coupons. The site is updated daily--so, before shopping anywhere online, I always check to see if there is a coupon code. The next time you shop online, make sure you check to see if there are any online coupons for your favorite store.
By the way, this post was sponsored by:
By the way, this post was sponsored by:
Thursday, July 19, 2007
The Job Offer Came!
Well, I was offered the job! I should be so excited! Well, I am excited that I was considered good enough to get the job. But, I am still not that excited about leaving South Florida. Besides that, the things that need to get done in such a short time does not seem possible. The house still has a million and one things to do before it will be ready to sell. Then, I have to think--will it sell? The market is terrible down here right now!!!! Plus, my mom, who lives close to me down here has not been feeling well lately. I hate to leave her if she's not well. In addition, I found out that I have two one day things I have to go to and a four day thing I have to go to, all before the teachers report to work on August 14th. Back and forth three more times from South Florida to Central Florida--which involves time and money--both I don't have much of!! I am so happy--don't I sound like it?
I Love Payperpost!!!!!
I am so excited! I have just started blogging for Payperpost. Not long ago, while talking with some friends and family members, I found out about the opportunity to earn extra money by blogging about different products and websites through Payperpost blog network. There aren't many real opportunities to work at home to make extra money. So I was happy to find a company that would actually pay me to do something I like to do. And besides that, I sure could use some extra money for bills, bills and more bills. One of the main reasons I decided to work for Payperpost is because I heard that it is one of the best, if not the best, companies to do this kind of work. Since I just started, and this is my very first blog for Payperpost, I have not met any new people--but I know that I will have many opportunities to do that in the future. I have definitely enjoyed reading about the staff, different events and other bloggers on the Payperpost website. Maybe some day you will even see me on the site! Hopefully, as one of the top money making bloggers! Hey, maybe even you will be featured on the site some day. So you better get blogging--for Payperpost, of course!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
To go or not to go? That is the question.
I haven't been offered a new job in Seminole County or Orange County--but I'm still wondering if I really want to make the move if I am offered one. But if I decided to stay--I may not even be able to get a job back at my school. I have to say, this summer has been one of my most stressful ones on record for me. So much going on--so many decisions to make. With a lot of prayer, I will make a major decision by this time next week--whether to keep on trying to go or to start doing what I need to be doing in order to stay. Bottom line--I need a job!
Monday, July 16, 2007
The Interview Part 2
Whew! Today I had the second part of my interview for a teaching job at Red Bug Elementary in Seminole County. I met with two of the teachers. I felt that it went very well. I'm sure the other people interviewing for the job feel that it went well for them, too. I won't know anything for a few days. I've done what I had to do--now it's in God's hands. (Well, it already was, wasn't it?) I just cannot make another trip up to Orlando this week. Two times in four days is a little too much.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
The Interview
Well, I had the interview. It went pretty good. I'm supposed to go back on Monday to interview with the current 4th grade teachers. I guess that's a good sign. I don't think the principal would have me drive all the way back up to Seminole County if she didn't think I was pretty good. But, of course, I wish some things could have gone different. Before the interview, I made up questions that I thought the principal may ask me and then I studied over the answers. Sure enough, the principal asked several different questions--ones I wasn't ready for. And she didn't ask most of the ones I was prepared for. Well, one good thing--that interview should help me be prepared for the next interview, that is, if I get another interview!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
A New Roof--Not Just a Repair!
Well, more money to go into this house. The roofer came out, who is also an inspector, and said with all the patch jobs on my flat roof, it probably would not pass inspection. So, now we are getting a new roof. By the time we are done with all the renovations, it will be a new house!!!!
Never Ending Project
Well, I had the real estate agent come out last Saturday to take a look at the house to give suggestions as to what needed to be done before putting it up for sale. Where do I begin? New carpet, new tile, roof repaired, get rid of the bunk bed, and so on. I thought I was doing pretty good about getting things done until she came. Basically, I have a long way to go. Maybe the house will be ready to be put up for sale by Christmas!!!!!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
For the Fisherman (and Fisherwoman)

I don't fish. It's not that I don't want to fish. It's just that I don't know what I'm doing so it's better that I don't fish--unless I'm with someone who knows what they are doing. That's one reason I love going to Texas. I know I'll have a chance to go fishing with my sister and brother-in-law--and they do know what they are doing!! In fact, my brother-in-law works as a fishing guide some times. In addition, he and my sister own their own lure business. If you want to check out their lures, go to RSR Lures.

Is Any Place Disasterfree?
I live in South Florida. Beautiful South Florida! I am one of the those people who actually loves living here. I love the weather, the people, the views, the wildlife, and so on. But some people only think of South Florida as a hurricane trap. Well, the only hurricanes that have had any significant affect down here in the past several years are Hurricane Wilma and Hurricane Andrew. What place doesn't have its weather or environment issues? Flooding in the midwest, northeast and in Texas; fires in Georgia, California, Arizona and Washington state; extreme heat (triple digits) in the west; landslides in California, etc; tornadoes in the midwest--the list goes on. Most of those places deal with those disasters much more often than South Florida deals with hurricanes. At least, there are hurricane warnings!
(I know if you read my earlier blog about me planning on moving, you might ask, "If you like it so much in South Florida, why move?" It is a necessary move--not that I feel I need to get out of South Florida. I'll be back often because of all the reasons listed above--plus to visit my family.)
(I know if you read my earlier blog about me planning on moving, you might ask, "If you like it so much in South Florida, why move?" It is a necessary move--not that I feel I need to get out of South Florida. I'll be back often because of all the reasons listed above--plus to visit my family.)
Monday, July 9, 2007
Oh no! An interview!
Well, I finally got a phone call from a 407 area code. I've been waiting for one. It was a call from a principal from Red Bug Elementary, a Seminole County school, to see if I was still interested in a 4th grade position. We set up a time for an interview. Oh, no! An interview! Only one chance to make a good first impression. Time to get a haircut. Time to figure out what I will wear. Time to start looking over notes with answers to questions that a principal might ask me. Time to chill--and not get too nervous. Time to pray!!!!
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Bunk Bed for sale
I know this is not a classified ad page but I just have to vent about a bunk bed set I want to get rid of. I had a garage sale last week and I was going to sell the complete set for $275. With one lady, I went down to $225. But she wanted me to go down to $200. I refused. I decided to go on line to see how much the set costs new. I found out that the set would cost $1,724! Plus it would have to be ordered. I decided I am going to try to sell it on Craigslist for $450. Hopefully I'll make more money than I originally planned.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
This should be interesting!
I am planning on moving to Central Florida--at least I hope to. If it does work out, I'll have to rent a house or a condo. I wonder if there will be a problem with having 2 cats, 2 dogs, 1 rabbit, 1 turtle and 3 millipedes. I sure hope not!
Renting is sounding better all the time!
I'm trying to get my house ready to sale--every day I find something else that needs to be done. Now it looks like I'm going to have to get a roofer out here to fix the flat roof over my den and dining room. The main roof was replaced last year--thanks to Hurricane Wilma. I had lost a lot of shingles so the insurance paid for most of a new roof. However, at the time the flat roof did not look like it was damaged, eventhough a giant branch had scraped across the top of it. For the past few months I've been dealing with small leaks and it is right where the large branch had landed. So, now I'm sure the branch had damaged it. I'm so tired of dealing with problems with this house. I think living in a house that someone else owns and is responsible for any and all damage is sounding pretty good.
Household Tips #2
I found another great product for the house today. I went to the Flooring Department at Home Depot and asked a young employee for a product to clean the grout in my tile. He actually knew what he was doing and directed me to the Lawn and Garden Department, where the cleaning supplies were. He recommended Dep Tile and Grout Cleaner. I've only tried it on a couple of areas--but it worked great. I wonder if all the Dep products work as well.
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